Thursday, December 11, 2014

When your setting your lineup. Make sure u know your players matchups. Make sure their not injured also. just a little advice for setting up your lineups.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Name: Alexander King II
Project Title: Fantasy football expert project
Project Start Date: November 7, 2014
Project Completion Date: May 15, 2015
Mentor’s Name: Tyler Kennedy, Michael Fabiano(fantasy expert),
Brief Description:

Overview of Project Proposal

1) Project Objective: My project objective is to become a fantasy football expert. I want to be where I can give other people advice about fantasy football.  I will make a book on how to be a fantasy football expert. I will also have tips in there about fantasy football.

2) Project Rationale:

3) Project Steps: My first step is to research tips about fantasy football. My second step will be to study them. My third step is too actually to use them and put them in action.

4) Timeline of Activities:  Until break, I will research tips on fantasy football and how to use them with your team.

5) Available Human and Material Resources: Friends that play fantasy football. Michael fabiano on his fantasy page. Fantasy football live at 4pm Monday-Friday on NFL network

6) Possible Road Blocks: Might not find that many tips and advice about fantasy football when the season is over.  Fantasy football live might not come on anymore when the season is over.

7) Research Questions: